How to Increase Fertility With Tea

How to Increase Fertility With Tea

Many women have had success with certain herbs that are known to increase fertility. Raspberry Leaf, for example, is thought to make the reproductive system and the uterus strong. Another plant thought to aid in fertility is Red Clover Blossom, which is used to bring balance to the vaginal area, making the possibility of getting pregnant greater. As an added bonus, it also calms the nerves. Stinging Nettle is also thought to contribute to fertility by regulating ovulation. You can usually purchase such "fertility teas" at a health-food store. The box or bag should also advise you on how many cups of tea to drink a day and how to prepare the tea. Here's a primer on how to increase your fertility with tea.

Things You'll Need:





Pour enough water into a pot to make the desired amount of tea. Heat the water until it boils.


Put enough loose tea in a cup to make one serving, or put one teabag in a cup.


Pour hot water into a cup, and let it steep for about five minutes.


If the tea leaves are loose, pour the tea through a strainer and discard the leaves.


After letting the tea cool slightly, drink it.


Know that lifestyle also plays a part in fertility. Talk to your doctor about taking a prenatal vitamin. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, exercise and relax.

Tips & Warnings

If you make extra tea and would like to save it, put it in a container that’s not made of metal.

Always check with your doctor before ingesting any herbs.

How to Increase Energy With Reflexology

How to Increase Energy With Reflexology

Reflexology is an ancient healing art
to ancient Egypt. Today, reflexology is used to treat a wide variety of disorders including fatigue and exhaustion. If you are suffering from fatigue and you want to increase your energy, consider applying some simple reflexology techniques to your body.


Stimulate your body's circulation by using your fingers to apply pressure to the ball of your left foot. Work your fingers across the ball of the foot until you are right under the third toe. Repeat the activity on the right foot; however, concentrate on ball of the foot located under the big toe.


Enhance the functioning of your thymus by applying pressure to the outer tip of the ball of your foot. Repeat this activity for both feet.


Work your body's spleen reflex by applying pressure to the outer edge of your left foot about 1 inch below the base of your little toe.


Increase your body's upper lymphatic functioning by applying pressure to the area between the base of your toes and fingers. This is known as the web area of the hands and feet. Use your fingers to work the web area on your feet and the opposite hand.


Activate your body's lower lymphatic system by applying pressure to the top of your hand and feet at the wrist or ankle. Rotate your foot and hand at the ankle and wrist.

Tips & Warnings

Clean your hands and feet before beginning any reflexology techniques.

Sit in a comfortable and quiet location while applying reflexology techniques.

How to Increase Circulation With Supplements

How to Increase Circulation With Supplements

Many people suffer from poor circulation. Their fingers and toes easily get cold and can't seem to warm up. There are natural supplements and even a few bodybuilding supplements that can aid the circulation of blood in the body. Compounds that serve as vasodilators in the body expand the size of the blood vessels to allow a higher blood flow to reach the extremities of the body.

Things You'll Need:

Cayenne pepper


Gingko Biloba



Supplement your diet with the addition of cayenne pepper. Cayenne is a natural vasodilator that also serves to purify the blood. Introducing this spice in the diet can help deal with the problem of poor circulation. An easy way to include it in your diet is to begin eating some cuisines that use cayenne as an essential part of their recipes. Cajun/Creole, Indian, Thai and Mexican are just a few cuisines that often use cayenne as a spice.


Take arginine on a daily basis. Bodybuilders receive added energy during their workouts by using this compound. One of the reasons that they get the added energy is that arginine is an amino acid that causes the blood vessels to open up and allow more blood to flow to the various parts of the body. Increased blood flow means increased warmth to the extremities.


Start taking Gingko Biloba and niacin as supplements for your health. Gingko Biloba aids in increasing the blood supply to the body, particularly to the brain. Niacin is effective because of its effect on the circulatory system in especially its ability to increase blood supply to the periphery.

How to Increase Circulation to the Face

How to Increase Circulation to the Face

Your face may not make up much of your body's mass, usually less than 5 percent, but it attracts more concern and leads to more commercial purchases than any other part of the body. They may be blackheads or rough patches of skin, but this quick fix, a three minute routine improves circulation that will have the blood flowing to you face and you skin looking better.

Things You'll Need:




How to Increase Circulation to the Face


Clean your face. Wash you face with a non alcoholic cleanser and if necessary gently exfoiliate. The simplest cleansing treatment, gently press flannel against your face to open pores. Gently wash your face with small circular motions over your face and neck. Rinse the flannel and use it to wipe off any oil that accumulates during the cleansing. Rinse the water with a splash of cool water.


Start at the neck. Cross your hands in front of the neck and, with the flat of your fingers, tap on the opposite sides of the neck, from the base up to the chin. Avoid the trachea.


Move under the chin. Hold the back of your left hand under your chin. With the back of your right hand, tap rapidly upwards on the area under the chin, using the back of the left hand. Stop and repeat the movement.


Apply firm tapping movements. With the flat of the fingers and using both hands, apply firm tapping movements all over the lower part of the face. Start lightly over the mouth and move outward, covering each cheek, stop just before the ears. Use very light movements.


Move to the forehead. Using both hands together and the flats of the fingertips, apply firm tapping movements all over the forehead. Using the hands loosely clenched, tap your head all over with a relaxed movement. Vary the firmness of the movement depending on the sensitivity of the area.


Using the pads of your fingers, apply deep circular movements all over your scalp from hairline to crown, covering the whole head throughly. Using both hands alternatively, comb through your hair using long, deep, sliding movements.


Boost your circulation. To improve circulation to other areas, which will improve your complexion, try implementing a few of these suggestions. Dry brush you skin. Take a bath with stimualting bath salts. Exercise. Hydrotherapy is an effective way of stimulating circulation by immersing yourself in a cold bath for three to five minutes, increasing lymph flow.

Tips & Warnings

Cleanse your face before performing the massage.

If you are prone to bruising don't attempt this massage.

How to Improvise Cosmetics in an Emergency

How to Improvise Cosmetics in an Emergency

We've all been in a pinch, either on vacation or in our own bathroom, where we've run out of a necessary item. Not to worry--you can still shave your legs, wash your hair or zap that zit if you know how to improvise cosmetics in an emergency. Heck, you can even fix your glasses without an eyeglass fix-it kit.

Things You'll Need:

Hair conditioner

Toothpaste or baking soda

Skin lotion

Small stick


Shave your legs using hair conditioner if you've run out of shaving cream. It won't foam up like you're used to, but it will leave skin soft and silky.


Substitute soap for shampoo, or vice versa. Your hair might not have that same squeaky sheen, but at least it won't hang in greasy clumps. You can also use shampoo to wash your body. No need to repeat after rinsing.


Zap a zit with toothpaste. Dab a small amount on the blemish and it will dry right out. Just make sure to not to leave a big white blotch of toothpaste on your face. Use baking soda if the toothpaste is gone.


Keep lips fresh and supple by using skin lotion on them if you have no lip balm. Do not lick your lips until it has all been absorbed or you'll have a very bad taste in your mouth.


Repair eyeglass hinges with whatever's available. Only a rare breed has an eyeglass fix-it kit with a tiny screw and screw driver at her fingertips. Paperclips, twist ties and wire work well. I stuck a small stick in mine when one side fell off while I was hiking and they've been holding firm for several months now.

Tips & Warnings

Work with what you have.

Always keep basics on hand. Petroleum jelly, baby oil, rubbing alcohol and witch hazel can serve many functions.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Your skin will not shrivel and fall off if you use hand cream on your face.

Don't get too creative. Watch what kind of cosmetic you place near your eyes.

Never substitute anything for eye drops, especially glue.

How to Improve Your Synergy With a Sensory Synergy Image Presentation

How to Improve Your Synergy With a Sensory Synergy Image Presentation

Synergy is what happens when lots of things combine together to create something more powerful. Most people tend to associate synergy with intuition, or the small voice inside of them, known as the sixth sense. Sensory synergy is the combination of the sensory stimulation of some of our senses to create positive energy and results.

Things You'll Need:

PowerPoint software



Create a sensory image synergy PowerPoint slide show with pictures that create relaxation. Gather images and scenes that have bright vivid colors. The picture can be of the oceans, forest, mountains, clouds, and waterfalls. Upload these images into a PowerPoint presentation and put them on a timer loop. Now, sit in a quite place and focus only on the images on the screen. Let your emotions come out. Smile at what you see, think in your head, "this is a beautiful place" or "I want to be there." Psychologists have been using color as a fundamental way to help express emotions trapped deep in ones psychic for years. We all use color in our daily lives to express something about us, like our clothing style and our home dГ©cor. Colors add brightness and calmness to our surroundings.


The second step is to add some relaxing music to either the PowerPoint sensory synergy presentation or just play it in your stereo. The music should be anything that is calming with no lyrics. It is proven fact that when we are exposed to music and its vibrations transmitted through the brain it automatically calms use down.


The third step is to add a whisper style chant to help keep the mind at peace. Some people call chanting a primitive way of altering our consciousness and raising our psychic power and energy. Chanting has many different styles. Some people get nervous about chanting because they thinks they have to use clapping, drum beating, or other commercialization of chanting. But chanting is just as effect in a whisper or even internally as a chanting thought.

Try chanting, "I am at peace with one." People have used chanting as a form of liberation. It is used to stand up for issues or used to solve problems; like strikes and political rallies. But most people use it for mediation to remain calm and get in touch with their inner spiritual sides.


Use these three easy steps and you will achieve sensory synergy, too.

How to Improve your Health with Laughter Yoga

How to Improve your Health with Laughter Yoga

Once we leave childhood behind, we replace laughter with work, chores and worry, laughing 15 times a day rather than our pre-adulthood 400 times. It's a shame, say proponents of "laughter yoga" since laughter is not only fun, but also has a number of health benefits, including reducing stress, boosting the immune system, strengthening the heart, and improving circulation. It's easy to improve your health with laughter yoga (also called hasya yoga) by following some simple steps.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable workout clothes

A willingness to learn to laugh spontaneously

How to Improve your Health with Laughter Yoga


If you can, find a laughter yoga class or a laughter yoga club by using an Internet search or by using the website below. Laughter yoga is best if guided and performed in a group. If there are no classes or groups near you, you can start a laughter club of your own.


Warm up: Clap for a 3-count, then a 2-count, chanting "Ho Ho" "Ha Ha Ha" as you clap.


Breathe deeply by drawing in a large breath through your nose letting it fill the top of your lungs and down to the very bottom of your lungs. Hold for 10 seconds and breathe out in a controlled way, feeling the air leave the top of your lungs, then the middle then the bottom. Repeat 3 times.


Raise your arms in the air and laugh heartily with your head thrown back.


If there are other people in your group, laugh heartily as you nod to them or shake their hands.


Do the "milkshake laughter" exercise. Pretend you are holding two milkshake cups, one with the mixture and one without. Make the motions to pour the mixture back and forth, chanting while you do it. Then make the motion to drink it. Laugh again at the end.


Laugh silently, using all the muscles of your face.

Tips & Warnings

If these few exercises add to your sense of relaxation and well-being, you may want to become trained as a certified hasya yoga instructor.

Hasya yoga does not replace the aerobic and flexibility exercises you need to maintain health, so keep on doing those workouts as well.

How to Differentiate Kinds of Healing Crystals

How to Differentiate Kinds of Healing Crystals

Not all crystals are created equal. Crystal healers say that some crystals have amazing effects on the digestive system while others are incredible for restoring the reproductive system. Whatever your current concern or ailment, there are several types of healing crystals with multiple strengths that may be able to treat your condition. By acting as energy conductors and transmitters, healing crystals can be placed upon the body or in bathwater to elicit improved health. It is important to differentiate between the various kinds. Follow these steps to find out how.

Differentiate the Kinds of Healing Crystals


Look for purple stones called amethysts. These are commonly employed to treat blood sugar imbalance, nightmares and anger. They are said to be spiritually uplifting and can help cultivate psychic powers.


Seek blue-green aquamarine stones. They are great for anxiety reduction, the heart and immune system, and cultivating joy and creativity.


Stop dieting and use coral stones to increase metabolism instead! Also, these pink or reddish stones are great for the muscles, blood and the heart. The spine and reproductive system also benefit.


Nurture your spirit with diamonds. They are best known to enhance clarity, confidence and trust.


Leave the emeralds to the ladies! They are especially beneficial during childbirth; but anyone can use them for depression, insomnia, eyesight and peace of mind.


Reduce inflammation with blue sapphires. They also build intuition and rid the body of nosebleeds and fever.


Attract wealth and longevity with jade. This usually green stone works wonders for the heart, thymus and kidneys as well as emotional balance, harmony and justice.


Cleanse the blood with red rubies. They also treat infections and impotency while stimulating circulation, menses, love, leadership, and serve to intensify your emotions.


Be in a better place and align yourself with rose quartz. It's ideal for creating emotional healing, peace, forgiveness and kindness.

Use Different Kinds of Crystals for Healing


Determine which crystals you need for your present affliction. Visit the Mystical Soup Web site for a complete list of stones and their healing specialties (see Resources below).


Pay attention to the number of facets or planes on each stone. Even numbers are great energizers while odd numbers are best for healing.


Know the general color guidelines. Red, yellow and orange stones will energize you, while blue and violet will calm your senses.

Tips & Warnings

Crystal healing is relatively affordable. The easiest and least expensive method is to learn about the process on your own and self-heal. If that method doesn't work for you, try visiting a crystal healer which will be more expensive, but perhaps more effective.

Although some believe crystal healing can have profound effects on the immune system and circulatory disorders, never self-treat for serious conditions like high blood pressure or heart disease. Serious conditions require physician care and guidance.

Crystal healing is not a proven science and results do vary.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Determine the Meaning and Power of Colors

How to Determine the Meaning and Power of Colors

Color therapy is the use of color and light to restore balance in the body, mind and spirit. Color therapy involves reading of the aura as well as basic diagnostic tests to determine reactions to different colors. Color therapy practitioners use it to combat stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

How to determine the meaning and power of colors


Pick up a copy of the "Beginner's Guide to Color Therapy" by Jonathan Dee and Lesley Taylor (see Resources below). Be sure to check out the chapters on the psychology of color and color symbolism.


Look at a color wheel and make a note of complementary colors. These are colors opposite each other on the wheel. Keep in mind that using complementary colors increases the effectiveness of color therapy exercises.


Learn how to determine which colors are missing or overflowing in your aura. Pick up a copy of "Aura Reading for Beginners: Develop Your Awareness for Health and Success" by Richard Webster or "Auras: See Them in Only 60 Seconds" by Mark Smith (see Resources below).


Look at a deck of color cards, and notice which colors you're drawn to. Keep in mind, color preference is an indication of how you express yourself, and it may also be a guide to which colors you need more of in your life.


Study a color chart or color cards, and determine which colors you have an aversion to. Each aversion has a specific meaning. An aversion to red may indicate a fear of being assertive, an aversion to orange may indicate sexual frustration and an aversion to violet may be a sign you have trouble dreaming or fantasizing.


Consider a complementary treatment such as 49th Vibrational Technique, a holistic procedure in which every color is associated with a musical note. Play sound therapy DVD's while you visualize or meditate on specific colors. Complementary treatments may increase the power of color therapy.


Learn more about the meaning and power of colors by reading the chromotherapy page at Wikipedia (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Pick up an inexpensive color wheel from a craft store and carry it with you when you need a quick color visualization session.

Locate colored plastic wrap for energized water. You can find inexpensive wraps at a dollar store in your area.

Visit a fabric store in your area for low-cost colored cloths.

If you experience prolonged depression, migraine headaches or chronic pain, see a qualified physician or specialist right away.

Color therapy is a supplementary, alternative medicine. It is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis and treatment.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Buy Proper Gemstones for Crystal Healing

How to Buy Proper Gemstones for Crystal Healing

Crystal healing works on the theory that crystals carry different vibrational rates. By placing them within your aura or personal atmosphere, practitioners believe you can affect change in your aura with regards to physical and emotional health. Many crystal healers conduct the healing process at home in order to treat conditions like headaches, indigestion, fatigue and inflammation. Good quality stones are necessary in order to ensure proper healing. Follow these steps to learn how buy the right gemstones for crystal healing.

Things You'll Need:

Various crystals

Cash, since many jewelry and gemstone tradeshows only take cash

Selecting Gemstones


Be on the lookout for irradiation. This process is used by some dealers and is largely considered to be the worst of the artificial treatment processes used on stones. By bringing out color and removing imperfections, irradiation causes the stone to have weak, or even dead, energy.


Smell the stone. Coatings may have been applied to enhance color on such stones as Jasper, but ultimately this will weaken the gemstone leaving it with a dampened energy. These coatings may give off a strong smell.


Scan the stone for effects of a bad dye job. Dye makes the stones more colorful and is the most common process used by dealers. Look for uneven color distribution or color that can be rubbed off. This can lead to weak stone energy.


Avoid anything that looks too good to be true because it's probably a fake. Fakes exist for almost every type of gemstone available and these stones may appear to be perfect or flawless.


Ask questions. If you don't know what stone it is, ask. The dealer should be very well-informed. How the dealer answers your questions is a good way to find out how honest he or she is.


Know the three C's: color, clarity and cut. The color should be saturated but natural with good clarity and a shape that's desirable and free from excessive irregularities and imperfections.


Learn more about proper gemstones. Visit the "Mystical Soup" Web site for extensive information (see Resources below).

Where to Buy Gemstones


Visit a gemstone and jewelry show. You'll see items first hand and be able to speak with a variety of dealers.


Shop online. Authenticity may be questionable, but selection is usually the best. Sometimes prices are better if you buy in large quantities.


Request catalogs. Many free-standing stores or dealers also have expanded catalogs which may be available upon request.


Check out free-standing stores. Stores geared toward jewelry-making often have a diverse selection of stones that can also be used for crystal healing. Be sure to inquire about treatment processes, as some stones used in jewelry may have been color-enhanced.

Tips & Warnings

Cost will vary depending upon where you buy the crystals. The Internet may yield the best low-cost results, but authenticity cannot be determined until you have received the product.

Severe symptoms such as heartbeat irregularity, insomnia or memory loss should be evaluated by a medical professional.

Crystal healing is not a proven science and results do vary.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Buy Ear Candles

How to Buy Ear Candles

Ear candles, which use heat-induced suction to draw impurities out of the ear canal, have been credited with relieving a variety of conditions. Conditions ranging from migraines to multiple sclerosis have purportedly been treated through this ancient practice. Folk lore and tribal legends have been handed down through the millennia about how to make and use ear candles. Follow these steps to learn how to buy ear candles.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Credit card or Pay Pal account if buying candles online


Learn the basics of ear candling and a bit about its history at the "White Egret" Overview page (see Resources below).


Consider the different types of ear candles. You'll find a surprisingly large variety of ear candles at online
like the "White Egret" or "Ear Candles 4 U" Web sites (see Resources below).


Figure out how many in your family would take the treatments on a monthly basis and order accordingly.


Buy in bulk to save money. Inexpensive ear candles can be purchased individually; but you can buy them more economically in packages of 12 or by the case.


Read all directions carefully once you bring your ear candles home or after they arrive in the mail. Don't attempt to practice ear candling by yourself. It can only be safely performed with a partner.

Tips & Warnings

Ear candles can be bought online or at brick-and-mortar locations, usually health food or natural food stores.

The "chimney effect" of ear candling creates a warm, soothing sensation inside the ear canal as the candle burns.

Compare per-piece pricing carefully. There are significant differences between online retailers.

Don't attempt ear candling if you have a hearing problem based on an injury to the eardrum or ear canal.

Visit your doctor immediately if you have an intense ringing in your ears.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Boost Your Energy Using Chinese Medicine

How to Boost Your Energy Using Chinese Medicine

One of the fundamental principles of traditional Chinese medicine holds that a fundamental life energy called "Qi" (pronounced "Chi"), inherent in everything that exists, flows through the human body. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that when qi cannot flow properly or becomes trapped, your energy level suffers. Fortunately, Chinese medicine has developed a number of familiar techniques, including acupuncture and herbal remedies, that purportedly help boost your energy levels. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access


Understand the concept of "Qi" and how it works by visiting the ITM Online Web site (see Resources below). Qi is essential to an understanding of how Chinese medicine will work to boost your energy.


Learn about the body's natural energy pathways, called the "Meridian System" in traditional Chinese medicine. Low, sluggish energy levels are frequently attributed to blockages in these passageways or the stagnant pooling of Qi in parts of your body.


Find a qualified practitioner of Chinese medicine in your town or city who can explain how using Chinese techniques can boost your energy level.


Consult an acuptuncture specialist. Using acupuncture is a fast, effective way to purportedly invigorate your Qi and loosen any blockages in your body's meridians.


Take ginseng. It is, perhaps, the most well-known herb used in traditional Chinese treatments. Its energy-boosting properties are widely acknowledged.


Talk to the people at your local health food store, or meet with an expert in Chinese herbology. They will be able to suggest other herbs or herb combinations you can use to boost your energy.


Join a Qigong or Tai Chi class. These classic
martial arts
disciplines foster improved energy flow through discipline of mind and body.


Change your diet. Your practitioner can help you determine whether your low energy levels are the result of a Yin or Yang deficiency (if your Qi is not the problem), and can suggest foods that will reintroduce balance to your bodily energy.

Tips & Warnings

Know the costs involved in using traditional Chinese medicine to boost your energy. A visit to a qualified practitioner runs generally about what it would cost to visit a walk-in medical clinic. Herbal treatments are similar in price to over-the-counter medications.

If your symptoms include narcolepsy, fainting or dizziness, consult a physician. These symptoms can point to the presence of a more serious condition.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Dress Like BeyoncГ© Knowles

How to Dress Like BeyoncГ© Knowles

BeyoncГ© Knowles is a multi-talented actress, musician and designer that shines in everything she attempts. Her look is reminiscent of divas from the past like Diana Ross. Her look has been describes as urban luxury. She always looks sexy, sassy and glamorous. Use the tips below to transform your look into BeyoncГ©.


Check out what BeyoncГ©'s favorite designers have to offer this season. They include Armani, Versace, Badgley Mischka and Elie Saab.


Buy clothes designed by BeyoncГ© and her designer mother. The label is called House of Dereon and can be ordered online. They design everything from tops and dresses to shoes and handbags. The best part is that the prices are very affordable.


Wear jeans that show off an ample and curvy butt. Jeans that do this may have glittery or embroidered embellishments on the pockets. Also wearing small pockets will visually enhance the behind.


Have clothes that are brightly colored. BeyoncГ© loves to stand out in a crowd, and her clothes are often brightly colored or embellished with shimmery and shiny details.


Choose clothing that enhances curves. This may include belted jackets or tops that show a little bit of skin. Wear hip-hugging jeans.


Wear eye-catching accessories. BeyoncГ© is often seen in big hoop earrings, jewelry that has a lot of glitter and glam, or colorful accessories such as a flower in the hair. Wear as much bling as you can.


Wear metallic tops, accessories, handbags or shoes. Pair with hip-hugging jeans. Metallics may include gold, silver, or bronzes.

How to Dress Like Avril Lavigne

How to Dress Like Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne is a musician that has developed a very unique image and style for herself. She is edgy and trendy and pushes the envelope with her style just like she does her music and attitude. She is definitely very rocker, dressing punk to match her punk attitude. She manages to keep it trendy and contemporary though. Use the tips below for dressing like Avril Lavigne.


Wear dark colors. Avril is most commonly seen in black, whether dressing up or casual. When she's not in black, she is usually seen in dark grays, greens and sometimes red. Her colors make a definite statement just like her overall style.


Accessorize with masculine items. She keeps her jewelry minimal. It is often a wide cuff for a bracelet, a long pendant necklace and sometimes even a necktie. She has even been seen wearing chains.


Keep hair long and naturally styled. Her hair is long and straight and is rarely seen other wise. She is not afraid to try different shades and colors, from platinum blond to shades of red to black streaks.


Wear big black boots. She is often photographed in combat boots, among other black styles. She wears them with everything from jeans to trousers to skirts and dresses.


Have many Chuck Taylor shoes. She wears them in various colors, but most commonly black. Once again, wear them with everything from jeans to skirts.


Wear printed t-shirts. She is most commonly seen dressed casual, donning printed t-shirts with everything from jeans to skirts. They are not usually colorful or feminine.

How to Dress Like Ashlee Simpson

How to Dress Like Ashlee Simpson

If you have always admired Ashlee Simpson's fun, funky fashion sense, let the songstress inspire your wardrobe. The Ashlee look is all about casual comfort with a skater punk-edge. All you need are some skater shoes and an open mind. Read on to learn more.


Flip through magazines to check out which designers Ashlee is wearing these days. The celebrity is infamous for frequently changing her look, so keeping current is key. Perennial Ashlee Simpson favorites include high-end couture like Marc Jacobs, Dolce & Gabbana and Louis Vuitton. Yet sweats and tennies are a wardrobe staple.


Notice Ashlee's clothing combinations. She pairs hooded sweatshirts with jeans or track pants. With dresses, leather boots add an edge. Funky hair bands and vintage accessories spice up conservative looks.


Splurge on high-end jeans. Ashlee Simpson shops at chic boutiques for the latest denim trends. If your local mall doesn't carry designer jeans, check


Dress to the nines for formal occasions. Ashlee's casual look is shabby-chic, but her red carpet fashions are all-out glamour. She often chooses bright colors and patterns.


Follow fashion couture trends. When hemlines drop on the Paris runways, so do Ashlee Simpson's. While her look is unique, it's also ever-changing to reflect what's en vogue. You don't want to be seen in last season's trend.

Tips & Warnings

Hair extensions are Ashlee Simpson's favorite fashion accessory. Get yourself some and experiment with long, flowing looks as well as asymmetrical, choppy ones.

Don't spend more money on clothing than you can afford. Designer clothing knock-offs can capture Ashlee Simpson's style at a fraction of the price.

How to Dress Like America Ferrera

How to Dress Like America Ferrera

America Ferrera is a young actress that has sky-rocketed to fame. She is a wonderful idol for young girls with her natural
and healthy self-image. She radiates confidence, and is very comfortable in whatever she wears. America knows how to make the right choices to flatter her figure. Follow the steps below to dress like America Ferrera.


Wear fitted jeans when going casual. America is often seen looking comfortable and practical in jeans that fit her well. Many times the jeans are paired with a practical pair of shoes as well, such as sneakers.


Wear simple tops. America's tops never have too many frills or colors. They are usually cut well and elegant in simplicity and solid in color. She is sometimes seen in fun printed t-shirts paired with jeans.


Wear many dark colors which not only look elegant, but are also slimming and elongating. America often wears blacks, dark grays and dark blues. The colors are usually solid.


Brighten up a bit with just a small pop of color. Wear a colorful jacket with a dark ensemble underneath, wear bright shoes with a black dress, or get a splash of color with accessories.


Look natural by wearing minimal make-up. With her naturally dark and beautiful complexion, America has little need for heavy make-up. She often looks completely natural, with the exception of a bright colored lipstick to show off her full lips.


Keep hairstyles natural. America's hair color is usually her natural dark color. On the red carpet she may wear an up-do, but many times she is seen with simple soft waves in her dark hair.


Dress up in elegant gowns that flatter curves. On the red carpet, America is usually in dark solid colors. Her gowns are usually long, but she has been seen in styles that end just below her knee. Her dresses usually cut low in the neckline to show off her bust line.

How to Dress Like Amanda Bynes

How to Dress Like Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes, the young actress you may remember from Nickelodeon, is all grown up and is known for her classy yet hip style. If you want to look sexy yet still look like a fresh-faced innocent, follow a few easy steps to dress like Amanda Bynes.


Go easy on the makeup to achieve her fresh-faced look. She has said her most important
products are lip gloss, eyelash curlers and mascara. If she's attending a more formal event, she wears mascara and eye liner to highlight her eyes, along with light lips and blush. You don't notice her makeup, you notice her.


Wear solid colors. Amanda almost always wears solid colors. She's not one for crazy patterns or flowers. Stick with dark colors, black and white or subtle shades of pink or peach.


Think fitted, not tight. Her clothes are always fitted and sleek, and never too tight. She isn't afraid to show off her admirable cleavage but never looks trashy. She favors sleeveless shirts and tanks since she's lucky enough to live in warmer weather, but she says her favorite thing to wear is a zip up sweater, to wear over shirts or under jackets.


Put down the hair spray. Like her makeup, her hair is always simple. She usually wears it straight, but every once in a while she'll wear it wavy. Her hair is always down and flows over her shoulders.


Finish with funky accessories. Amanda adds a twist to her classic look by adding a unique necklace or belt.

Tips & Warnings

Check out Amanda's new clothing line, called Dear, at Steve & Barry's. Dear will feature 120 pieces of clothing, 28 accessory styles and 70 pieces of jewelry.

Designers Amanda favors: Chloe, Juicy Couture and Kooba handbags.

How to Dress Like Alicia Keys

How to Dress Like Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys is a talented singer and has quickly become a style icon for many women. Her laid back, funky and elegant style have inspired the fashion industry in many ways. Mimicking her unique style can be difficult without the proper information and guidance however. Follow some steps to dress like Alicia Keys and try to capture some of the sass and strength that her personal style conveys.


Start by looking at various pictures of Alicia Keys to get a feel for her personal style. Notice how she tends to dress well according to her body style and her use of hats and other accessories to make a statement.


Print out examples of Alicia Keys looks that strike you as attractive. Take survey of your personal wardrobe and locate any items that you can keep or integrate into your Alicia Keys look.


Begin by searching for a great pair of jeans. Look for jeans that fit your body well, and that have a boot cut or straight leg fit.


Pair your jeans or tailored pants with a structured jacket or feminine blouse to balance out the jeans. Buy a pair of high heeled boots to accompany the jeans to help balance out the femininity of the top. Note that Keys always pairs the feminine with the street flair.


Search for hats, but remember that the bolero hat is Alicia Keys most favored hat style. Find hat styles in neutral colors like black or red to accompany any outfit. Finish off your look with a pair of dangling earrings, well coiffed hair and beautiful


. Your Alicia Keys look is complete!

Tips & Warnings

For a formal look, dress in silky fabrics and long silhouettes to mimic her evening attire.

How to Dress Like a Total Geek Girl

How to Dress Like a Total Geek Girl

There was a time when geek girls were mocked for their independent style. But the popularity of new technology and movies like "Lord of the Rings," have opened up the geek culture to self-proclaimed non-geeks. Here is how to dress like a geek girl.

Things You'll Need:

Thick-rimmed glasses

Brightly colored clothes

Large shoulder bag

Creative accessories


Buy a pair of glasses, whether you need them or not. Both regular geek and geek chic styles utilize the dark, thick-rimmed glasses. Horn-rimmed glasses are stylish and scream geek, even when you have to dress professionally.


Keep your


simple and clean. Many geek girls wear their hair out of their face in a ponytail or bun, but geek chic style allows for simple, wavy or straight styles that don't require a lot of work or hair products. Blunt cut bangs are a good geek girl style, too.


Wear shirts and dresses in bright colors that don't match. For a professional geek girl look, wear a neutral blazer with a brightly colored shirt and a pleated skirt.


Pick shirts that symbolize popular geek girl

, computer technology, comic books and inside jokes that only other geeks understand. Pair these with colorful shoes or boots.


Accessorize your wardrobe with a big bag you sling over your shoulder. The bag must have plenty of pockets to hold all your technological devices, such as a cell phone, camera and laptop.


Impress your geek boyfriend by getting some geek girl panties. Specialty stores sell panties with computer and video game graphics or sayings on them.


Make your own accessories by using things that define you as a geek. If you're into video games, make a video game controller belt. If computers are more your thing, create bracelets or necklaces from old computer power cords.

How to Dress Like a Tomboy

How to Dress Like a Tomboy

Tomboys are girls who embrace their boyish side by wearing casual clothes and engaging in activities that are typically reserved for boys. A tomboy doesn't have to spend a lot of money on clothes and can get ready quickly. Here is how to emulate their attire.


Go to stores that carry casual clothing. When dressing like a tomboy, you don't need to spend a lot of money on clothes and can get most of your outfits from thrift stores and discount retailers.


Wear t-shirts and jeans. Your shirts shouldn't look like girlie baby tees. Pick oversize shirts that come in colors like black, gray and blue. Wear your jeans loose when you dress like a tomboy.


Throw on a baseball cap. Nothing says tomboy more than a girl who throws on a baseball cap instead of doing her hair.


Buy some sneakers. When you dress like a tomboy, you should wear sneakers or casual boots. Look into buying a pair of Converse sneakers or Vans.


Keep jewelry to a minimum. Tomboys don't usually accessorize. Leave off any jewelry and don't carry a purse when you go out.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid wearing heavy makeup. If you want to really dress like a tomboy, keep a natural face and use lip balm.

Don't always dress like a tomboy. If you are going to a family or formal event, leave the sneakers and jeans at home.

How to Dress Like a Teenager

How to Dress Like a Teenager

Teenagers know how to dress. Their quirky fashion sense enables them to put together great outfits and pull them off. If you're a brave soul who'd like to dress like a teenager, you can study their wardrobe choices and make appropriate clothing selections.



Buy colorful boxer shorts and blue jeans three sizes too large. Wear the jeans low on your hips with the waistband of the boxers poking out the top. If necessary, use a plain leather belt to keep the pants in place while you walk.


Add a slightly oversized tee with a funny saying to the outfit. When choosing a t-shirt, remember plain tees and
teams are out and heavy sarcasm is in.


Wrap a long-sleeved flannel shirt around your hips by tying the sleeves together and allowing the rest to hang off your backside. The sleeves must rest below the waistband of the jeans if you're trying to dress like a teenager.


Complete the outfit with an expensive pair of athletic shoes with a loud motif and a baseball cap worn slightly askew, but not backward.



Emulate the look you see on teen queens and in teen magazines. Teen queen style fluctuates wildly. For the most current look, keep abreast of current magazines.


Wear a top that represents a teenager's attitude. Fashionable tees in a form-fitting cut can show off your curves and your attitude all at once.


Choose jeans with a flirty, fun cut. Pick a style that accentuates your good points, such as a narrow cut if you have great legs, or flared bottoms if you have wide hips.


Accentuate the teenager outfit with excess. Wear several bracelets and long earrings. Add a brightly colored purse with a cute pair of shoes. With teen queen fashion, less is definitely not more. More is more.

Tips & Warnings

Get a funky hairstyle with colored streaks. For a mild look, simple chunky highlights work fine. For a drastic image, brightly colored neon streaks can make quite an impression.

How to Dress Like a Superstar

How to Dress Like a Superstar

Behind every fabulously dressed Hollywood celebrity is a fabulously talented celebrity stylist. Or two. Or three. But you don't need your own fashion entourage if you want to look like a superstar. Closely track the latest red carpet trends and soon people will be whispering about you, "Isn't that somebody famous?"


Read trashy supermarket tabloids. Those gossip magazines in the checkout lane won't be winning any Pulitzer prizes, but the ample supply of celebrity photos is worth studying for fashion tips. offers a celebrity-dirt fix and a chance to preview the latest Hollywood styles.


Track celebrity trends online. and offer day by day updates on what's hot on Sunset Boulevard.'s updates are less frequent but include more celebrities.


Watch the Oscars, Emmys and other major awards show. Nothing starts a trend faster than a new red carpet look. Spring special occasion dresses coincide with Oscar trends.


Follow a few soap operas. The lovelorn actress sobbing about her stolen identity might not be an "A-list" celebrity, but her stylist is in touch with what's hot in Hollywood.


Shop where celebrities shop. When in Los Angeles, check out Kitson, Madison and Lisa Kline on Robertson Boulevard and Gucci and Louis Vuitton on Rodeo Drive. Go to West Hollywood and browse through Fred Segal.


Copy celebrity looks for less money. offers a shopping guide to inexpensive knock-offs of what your favorite superstar is wearing. A good solution if you're not label conscious and shop on a budget.


Bid at a celebrity auction. Superstars donate their cast-offs to charity auctions to raise money for their favorite causes. You can wear items that actually hung in their closets--if you're willing to shell out more money than they probably paid for the clothes.

How to Dress Like a Rockstar

How to Dress Like a Rockstar

Rock has made a huge come back the over the past 2 years, and many rock trends, like skulls & leggings, have become popular trends. If you want to add more rock n roll flair to your look, take these steps

Things You'll Need:

leather pants

sterling silver

vintage tee's

bandana or scarf


Black leather pants. Quintessential rock n roll, you can't go wrong with a pair of black leather pants. Make sure to buy them from a leather shop, where a professional can make sure you get the right size and know how to properly clean them.


Vintage! If you weren't around in the days of Free Love, ask around to relatives/friends that were. They might have some classic concert tees tucked away in a closet. If that option comes up dry, hit up a local vintage shop or music store for tee's from the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin etc


Scarves and bandannas are great ways to accessorize your rock n roll look. You don't have to wear them on your head either, instead you can wrap around your wrist or use as a belt.


Sterling Silver. Classic rockstars aren't big on gold and diamonds, but silver hoops or chunky rings can really complete a rockstar look. You can find unique ones at boutique

and flea markets.

How to Dress Like a Modern Victorian

How to Dress Like a Modern Victorian

If you're infatuated with the Victorian Age, chances are that one of your favorite aspects of the era is the beautiful clothes. But how can you transform your boring wardrobe into one imbued with the drama and romance of an Emily Dickinson poem? Without looking like a ten-year old girl around
time, you can incorporate the mystery of the Victorian era into your daily outfits by taking a fresh, modern approach to make the fashions from Little Women and A Tale of Two Cities comfortable and easy to wear. Here are some guidelines for how to dress like a modern Victorian:

Things You'll Need:






*Blouses/Shirts: Search for tops in berry and jewel tones. Burgundy, rose pink, ivory, pale yellow, light blue, black, and navy were all popular colors during the Victorian era and should make appearances in your wardrobe, as well. Also look for blouses made of lace, velvet, silk, or pretty polyester. Pearl-style buttons and delicate embroidery are some excellent details, too, as are high, dramatic collars. For a lower-cost option, look for baby-Ts with Victorian themes, like prints featuring tea parties, croquet games, or rose gardens.


*Sweaters: Cardigans with elegant buttons or solid-colored cashmere sweaters attractive pieces that can easily be dressed up or down with smart accessories. Embroidered sweaters, shawls, or ponchos are also pretty alternatives. Search for sophisticated colors, like chocolate, deep purple, and forest green.




: Velvet jackets and blazers are the most luxurious, but femininely-cut wool jackets or blazers can be equally stylish if they fit properly and are paired well with appropriate jewelry and undergarments. Medium and dark colors are the best choices, as they are also slimming.




: Chandelier earrings are lovely when worn with blouses in the same color family. Also try wearing rhinestone studs in discreet colors like royal blue and mauve. Earrings featuring fantasy creatures, like fairies and unicorns, or flowers and other vegetation are other solid buys.


*Necklaces: Wearing a locket is an easy way to capture the Victorian feel. Velvet or lace chokers have an equally Victorian air to them. Also try cameo necklaces, pearls, and anything containing garden fairies, flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, ballerinas, or ivy.


*Rings: Look for elegantly designed rings with garden or Gothic themes, like roses or little Christian crosses. Rhinestones or any kind of large jewels are great, but smaller stones are appropriate, too, if the band has interesting stylization.


*Bracelets: Search for rhinestones and other jewels encrusted in gold-colored or silver-colored metals. Charm bracelets are quaint enough to work, too. Also try solid-colored bangles for a more burlesque feel.


*Hosiery: Fishnets in black and subtle colors, like beige, with discreet holes will punch up any outfit. Also buy thick wool stockings or tights with quaint patterns, like butterfly cut-outs or painted-on tulips.


*Pants: Jeans in sophisticated colors or with delicate details, like pearls, tiny rhinestones, or lace or velvet trim are other great choices. Man-cut trouser pants can be equally alluring so long as they fit properly and are not too big.


*Skirts: Shop for tier skirts made of silk, velvet, or polyester. Also look for skirts with Victorian-like patterns and themes. Keep in mind that skirts should never be higher than about knee-length and, when shorter, should be worn with fun hosiery.


*Shoes: Buy shoes in dark colors like black, brown, and navy. Try Victorian-style lace-up boots, Mary Janes, or simple high heels. Shoes with velvet or silk shoes are comely, too.

Tips & Warnings

You can find beautiful clothes like these at stores such as April Showers, Anthropology, or at your local thrift shop or flea market. See what you can do to incorporate the romance of the Victorian clothes into your wardrobe today.

How to Dress like a Modern Material Girl without Looking like Madonna

How to Dress like a Modern Material Girl without Looking like Madonna

So you're nostalgic for the '80s. You've watched "Desperately Seeking Susan" and love "Thriller." In fact, you're so wild about the decade that you want to copy some of the fashion. You want to be a Material Girl. But how do you dress like that on a normal basis without looking like you just stepped out of a costume party? Here are some tips on how to dress like an '80s streetwise chick without getting mistaken for a Madonna double:


*Wear the right jewelry: Religious jewelry, especially silver crosses with Gothic details Г  la George Michael, makes a statement without being overtly '80s. Try cross earrings, necklaces, rings---really any piece with a cross will do. Jelly bracelets---in purple, red, and black---are Material Girl staples, but keep the look subtle by wearing no more than five or six on each arm. Extreme stacks are best left to the past. Also search for big, funky earrings. If you go for big hoops, tacky plastic, or eye-catching faux gems, downplay the rest of your jewelry or, probably better, don't wear any other pieces period. The rest of the outfit will pump up your '80s glam, so there's no need to go overboard with the jewelry.


*Sport stellar hosiery: Stock up on fishnets (best with finer holes), colorful tights, and leggings. For a neat contrast, layer your fishnets over a pair of bright tights to instantly punch up a plain skirt, especially shorter cuts. Leggings can function as regular pants or you can put denim cut-offs over them. Aim for chic layers whenever possible. Sliding on a pair of legwarmers adds interest to solid-colored leggings. For "off-to-aerobics-class" flair, put on some cute ballet flats and really finish the look.


*Do your hair: The '80s embraced curly hair with a passion, but for a modern twist, go for bigger corkscrew or banana curls instead of a frizzy mass. Use hair curlers or a curling iron, but avoid getting a professional perm because if you don't like the job, you'll probably have to wait several weeks for your hair to grow out. In terms of accessories, look for headbands and anything with sequins. Barrettes with dark-colored beads or somewhat Gothic details are great additions, too.


*Love leopard spots: '80s pop stars loved animal print, especially leopard spots and zebra stripes. Pick out any such printed item----from purses to scrunchies---but avoid anything too loud. Never combine leopard spots and zebra stripes in a single outfit or go head-to-toe in either pattern because your outfit will end up looking too busy. Instead, pair leopard spots with black, chocolate, or burgundy and zebra stripes with black or white for foolproof color schemes.


*Think black: Black is an '80s must, but try not to overdo it, either, or you'll end up looking like you're in mourning. If you're not used to wearing black, start off slowly by picking out black accessories, like
dog collars
or wristbands. Tight black jeans are always an easy staple to pull off. Head-to-toe black can look morbid, so try throwing in some color to add excitement. Red, purple, and white always match black perfectly. You can also pair neons with black, but wear them sparingly with black as a base.


*Don cut-off tops: Very few of a Material Girl's tops fully cover the neck, arms, and midriff. Search for tops with short sleeves or that are completely sleeveless. Over-sized, shoulderless shirts or sweatshirts are also popular '80s picks that you can chicly layer over a camisole or tank top. If you choose a shirt with an extremely unorthodox cut (zig-zags slashes across the front and back, for example), make it the focus of your outfit by keeping everything else simpler.

Tips & Warnings

Thankfully dressing like a Material Girl doesn't mean reliving the '80s! Avoid over-done perms and garish purple eye shadow and stick to the styles that are meant to be admired. Mixing in modern trends keeps your wardrobe from looking seriously dated. Now go out and "Get into the Groove."

How to Dress like a Modern Gypsy

How to Dress like a Modern Gypsy

Elusive and mysterious, gypsy fashion has meandered on and off of the catwalk since the 1960's. Avoid looking like a fortuneteller by keeping your caravan style somewhat subtle and mixing in of-the-moment elements. If you want to get the Esmeralda style right, go for a contemporary approach. Here's how to dress like a modern gypsy:


*Stick to these colors: Burgundy, camel, chocolate, forest green, gold, and olive green are ideal. All in all, earth and berry tones are quite gypsy like. Black should be worn in small amounts, as it can easily become Halloweenish. Also be careful with pastel colors. The only one that is somewhat gypsy is
. Whatever you do, though, steer clear of tropical brights and fluorescent/neon colors. Hot pink has no place in a gypsy's closet.


*Choose the right jewelry: Ethnic jewelry in general is what you should aim for with your gypsy look. Stack up on those bangles, but limit yourself to five or six thin ones per arm or one or two thick ones per arm. Big rings, especially with earthy details like natural stones, are another perfect touch. Search for turquoise, amber, or rose quartz. Toe rings also add a gypsy touch, but, with bangles, you don't want to overdo it. Wear no more than two per foot. Try chandelier earrings for quick elegance, too, or grab classic gold hoops for true gypsy flair.


*Work scarves: Paisley patterns are festive, but be sure that if you choose a busy blouse, you opt for a solid-colored scarf. Don't limit yourself to tying scarves around your neck. Tie them in your hair like a headband or over your ponytail to accentuate your long hair. You can also pull a scarf through your belt loops like a sash in lieu of a regular belt. (Leather belts with giant elaborate buckles are, however, very gypsyish.)


*Wear boots: Look for sturdy boots in leather or suede. Clean-cut designs are tasteful; anything too sturdy will seem like it belongs in a horse stall or on the feet of a hardcore motorcyclist. For a very of-the-moment look, grab a pair of Uggs. Uggs are not only very Earth Mama, but also very warm, so you can maintain your gypsy look even in the winter.


*Slip into jeans: Somewhat tattered jeans are the ultimate gypsy pants. Slightly flared or boot cut fits are your best bet. Bonus: Search for an embroidered pair with astrological or nature-themed designs, like crescent moons, phoenixes, roses, stars, or butterflies. Pass up "Mom" jeans---high-waisted with tapered legs and a droopy seat---and ultra-skinnies


*Fall in love with velvet: The plush elegance of velvet is simply irresistible. Wrap yourself in a velvet scarf or blouse for style and warmth. For lux accessories to juxtapose denim or leather, grab a velvet headband or a pair of velvet flats. Velvet caps for winter are another smart buy. What you want to avoid is an outfit composed entirely of velvet; always remember to mix in other fabrics so it doesn't seem like you hit a big sale on velvet at the craft store.


*Hunt for peasant tops: Find peasant tops in either solid-colors or soft patterns like paisley. Thin stripes in berry or earth tones are another good choice. You can also search for designs involving the Horoscope or Mother Nature. Fantasy creatures, like dragons or unicorns, make suitable designs as well. Search for details, from ruffles to beads to sequins that will make your top more interesting. If you want something more flowing than the typical peasant top, opt for a tunic. Tunics provide stylish coverage over bathing suits or just plain jeans.

How to Dress Like a Model

How to Dress Like a Model

Not every woman was made to walk down the runway in a huge fashion show, but you can dress like a model no matter what your body type is. It is all about the state of mind and the right tips.


Leave the house in well-kept clothes every day. This means making sure your clothes are not stained, wrinkled or frayed or worn. Dress like a model by keeping your clothes in good shape.


Wear clothes that fit. Dress like a fashion model by trying on every item you buy and moving around in it. Make sure you observe the clothes on you as you sit as well. It is difficult to dress like a model when you are fidgeting with your clothes or they are too big or too small.


Keep your hair up to
. You hair is not necessarily what you wear, but it can add to or subtract from your overall look. Always make sure you have a great do before stepping out of the house.


Watch the runways and look at photos, and try to recreate some of the modest styles you see. Dress like a model in everyday life, not as they are made up on the runway. Their


, outfits and hair are usually done up for effect and not for a natural look.


Choose black clothes. If you are having a problem with getting a few great pieces that you can form an outfit around, choose black. Black pants, skirts, sweaters and shoes are always in fashion, and when worn the right way, will always help you dress like a model.


Buy clothes for quality, not cost. When you dress like a model, you have to be conscious of quality over quantity. This piece of advice will never steer you wrong.


Put your best foot forward. The outfit is not going to be model quality until you round it out with the right shoes. Choose shoes that are comfortable, stylish and in good condition.

How to Dress Like a Mod

How to Dress Like a Mod

Be inspired by British youth fashion of the 1960s and interpret the look for today to dress like a Mod. Indulge in color, short skirts and dresses in wild patterns. Look for clothing that hit the United States during the British cultural invasion and has never completely gone home. Be sexy, young and futuristic as defined by Mod fashions.


Buy a skintight pair of drainpipe pants for a unisex Mod look. Drainpipe pants are tight from the waist to the ankle with a hipster or low-rise waist. Purchase "skinny jeans" from mainstream retailers to copy this Mod fashion.


Wear mini skirts, go-go boots and headbands. Choose fashion that screams youth and sex appeal-the foundations of the 1960s British fashion scene. Purchase go-go boots in a variety of colors from online and major fashion retailers.


Look for short, shift or A-line dresses with bold, geometric Mod patterns. Wear Winklepicker shoes for a high fashion touch. Find women's Winklepicker shoes at select Mod retailers.


Finish your Mod look with scarves or jewelry inspired by modern art. Stay warm with a brightly colored pea coat or stay dry with a glossy rain trench coat. Another Mod accessory are tights and half boots. Remember your sun glasses, which need to be large, round and plastic.


Apply heavy eyeliner and false eyelashes for a fashionable Mod look. Use white eye shadow or lipstick. Adapt the make-up trends of the early 1960s for today.

Tips & Warnings

Ride a scooter for the complete Mod look.