How to Increase Fertility With Tea

How to Increase Fertility With Tea

Many women have had success with certain herbs that are known to increase fertility. Raspberry Leaf, for example, is thought to make the reproductive system and the uterus strong. Another plant thought to aid in fertility is Red Clover Blossom, which is used to bring balance to the vaginal area, making the possibility of getting pregnant greater. As an added bonus, it also calms the nerves. Stinging Nettle is also thought to contribute to fertility by regulating ovulation. You can usually purchase such "fertility teas" at a health-food store. The box or bag should also advise you on how many cups of tea to drink a day and how to prepare the tea. Here's a primer on how to increase your fertility with tea.

Things You'll Need:





Pour enough water into a pot to make the desired amount of tea. Heat the water until it boils.


Put enough loose tea in a cup to make one serving, or put one teabag in a cup.


Pour hot water into a cup, and let it steep for about five minutes.


If the tea leaves are loose, pour the tea through a strainer and discard the leaves.


After letting the tea cool slightly, drink it.


Know that lifestyle also plays a part in fertility. Talk to your doctor about taking a prenatal vitamin. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, exercise and relax.

Tips & Warnings

If you make extra tea and would like to save it, put it in a container that’s not made of metal.

Always check with your doctor before ingesting any herbs.

How to Increase Energy With Reflexology

How to Increase Energy With Reflexology

Reflexology is an ancient healing art
to ancient Egypt. Today, reflexology is used to treat a wide variety of disorders including fatigue and exhaustion. If you are suffering from fatigue and you want to increase your energy, consider applying some simple reflexology techniques to your body.


Stimulate your body's circulation by using your fingers to apply pressure to the ball of your left foot. Work your fingers across the ball of the foot until you are right under the third toe. Repeat the activity on the right foot; however, concentrate on ball of the foot located under the big toe.


Enhance the functioning of your thymus by applying pressure to the outer tip of the ball of your foot. Repeat this activity for both feet.


Work your body's spleen reflex by applying pressure to the outer edge of your left foot about 1 inch below the base of your little toe.


Increase your body's upper lymphatic functioning by applying pressure to the area between the base of your toes and fingers. This is known as the web area of the hands and feet. Use your fingers to work the web area on your feet and the opposite hand.


Activate your body's lower lymphatic system by applying pressure to the top of your hand and feet at the wrist or ankle. Rotate your foot and hand at the ankle and wrist.

Tips & Warnings

Clean your hands and feet before beginning any reflexology techniques.

Sit in a comfortable and quiet location while applying reflexology techniques.

How to Increase Circulation With Supplements

How to Increase Circulation With Supplements

Many people suffer from poor circulation. Their fingers and toes easily get cold and can't seem to warm up. There are natural supplements and even a few bodybuilding supplements that can aid the circulation of blood in the body. Compounds that serve as vasodilators in the body expand the size of the blood vessels to allow a higher blood flow to reach the extremities of the body.

Things You'll Need:

Cayenne pepper


Gingko Biloba



Supplement your diet with the addition of cayenne pepper. Cayenne is a natural vasodilator that also serves to purify the blood. Introducing this spice in the diet can help deal with the problem of poor circulation. An easy way to include it in your diet is to begin eating some cuisines that use cayenne as an essential part of their recipes. Cajun/Creole, Indian, Thai and Mexican are just a few cuisines that often use cayenne as a spice.


Take arginine on a daily basis. Bodybuilders receive added energy during their workouts by using this compound. One of the reasons that they get the added energy is that arginine is an amino acid that causes the blood vessels to open up and allow more blood to flow to the various parts of the body. Increased blood flow means increased warmth to the extremities.


Start taking Gingko Biloba and niacin as supplements for your health. Gingko Biloba aids in increasing the blood supply to the body, particularly to the brain. Niacin is effective because of its effect on the circulatory system in especially its ability to increase blood supply to the periphery.

How to Increase Circulation to the Face

How to Increase Circulation to the Face

Your face may not make up much of your body's mass, usually less than 5 percent, but it attracts more concern and leads to more commercial purchases than any other part of the body. They may be blackheads or rough patches of skin, but this quick fix, a three minute routine improves circulation that will have the blood flowing to you face and you skin looking better.

Things You'll Need:




How to Increase Circulation to the Face


Clean your face. Wash you face with a non alcoholic cleanser and if necessary gently exfoiliate. The simplest cleansing treatment, gently press flannel against your face to open pores. Gently wash your face with small circular motions over your face and neck. Rinse the flannel and use it to wipe off any oil that accumulates during the cleansing. Rinse the water with a splash of cool water.


Start at the neck. Cross your hands in front of the neck and, with the flat of your fingers, tap on the opposite sides of the neck, from the base up to the chin. Avoid the trachea.


Move under the chin. Hold the back of your left hand under your chin. With the back of your right hand, tap rapidly upwards on the area under the chin, using the back of the left hand. Stop and repeat the movement.


Apply firm tapping movements. With the flat of the fingers and using both hands, apply firm tapping movements all over the lower part of the face. Start lightly over the mouth and move outward, covering each cheek, stop just before the ears. Use very light movements.


Move to the forehead. Using both hands together and the flats of the fingertips, apply firm tapping movements all over the forehead. Using the hands loosely clenched, tap your head all over with a relaxed movement. Vary the firmness of the movement depending on the sensitivity of the area.


Using the pads of your fingers, apply deep circular movements all over your scalp from hairline to crown, covering the whole head throughly. Using both hands alternatively, comb through your hair using long, deep, sliding movements.


Boost your circulation. To improve circulation to other areas, which will improve your complexion, try implementing a few of these suggestions. Dry brush you skin. Take a bath with stimualting bath salts. Exercise. Hydrotherapy is an effective way of stimulating circulation by immersing yourself in a cold bath for three to five minutes, increasing lymph flow.

Tips & Warnings

Cleanse your face before performing the massage.

If you are prone to bruising don't attempt this massage.

How to Improvise Cosmetics in an Emergency

How to Improvise Cosmetics in an Emergency

We've all been in a pinch, either on vacation or in our own bathroom, where we've run out of a necessary item. Not to worry--you can still shave your legs, wash your hair or zap that zit if you know how to improvise cosmetics in an emergency. Heck, you can even fix your glasses without an eyeglass fix-it kit.

Things You'll Need:

Hair conditioner

Toothpaste or baking soda

Skin lotion

Small stick


Shave your legs using hair conditioner if you've run out of shaving cream. It won't foam up like you're used to, but it will leave skin soft and silky.


Substitute soap for shampoo, or vice versa. Your hair might not have that same squeaky sheen, but at least it won't hang in greasy clumps. You can also use shampoo to wash your body. No need to repeat after rinsing.


Zap a zit with toothpaste. Dab a small amount on the blemish and it will dry right out. Just make sure to not to leave a big white blotch of toothpaste on your face. Use baking soda if the toothpaste is gone.


Keep lips fresh and supple by using skin lotion on them if you have no lip balm. Do not lick your lips until it has all been absorbed or you'll have a very bad taste in your mouth.


Repair eyeglass hinges with whatever's available. Only a rare breed has an eyeglass fix-it kit with a tiny screw and screw driver at her fingertips. Paperclips, twist ties and wire work well. I stuck a small stick in mine when one side fell off while I was hiking and they've been holding firm for several months now.

Tips & Warnings

Work with what you have.

Always keep basics on hand. Petroleum jelly, baby oil, rubbing alcohol and witch hazel can serve many functions.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Your skin will not shrivel and fall off if you use hand cream on your face.

Don't get too creative. Watch what kind of cosmetic you place near your eyes.

Never substitute anything for eye drops, especially glue.

How to Improve Your Synergy With a Sensory Synergy Image Presentation

How to Improve Your Synergy With a Sensory Synergy Image Presentation

Synergy is what happens when lots of things combine together to create something more powerful. Most people tend to associate synergy with intuition, or the small voice inside of them, known as the sixth sense. Sensory synergy is the combination of the sensory stimulation of some of our senses to create positive energy and results.

Things You'll Need:

PowerPoint software



Create a sensory image synergy PowerPoint slide show with pictures that create relaxation. Gather images and scenes that have bright vivid colors. The picture can be of the oceans, forest, mountains, clouds, and waterfalls. Upload these images into a PowerPoint presentation and put them on a timer loop. Now, sit in a quite place and focus only on the images on the screen. Let your emotions come out. Smile at what you see, think in your head, "this is a beautiful place" or "I want to be there." Psychologists have been using color as a fundamental way to help express emotions trapped deep in ones psychic for years. We all use color in our daily lives to express something about us, like our clothing style and our home dГ©cor. Colors add brightness and calmness to our surroundings.


The second step is to add some relaxing music to either the PowerPoint sensory synergy presentation or just play it in your stereo. The music should be anything that is calming with no lyrics. It is proven fact that when we are exposed to music and its vibrations transmitted through the brain it automatically calms use down.


The third step is to add a whisper style chant to help keep the mind at peace. Some people call chanting a primitive way of altering our consciousness and raising our psychic power and energy. Chanting has many different styles. Some people get nervous about chanting because they thinks they have to use clapping, drum beating, or other commercialization of chanting. But chanting is just as effect in a whisper or even internally as a chanting thought.

Try chanting, "I am at peace with one." People have used chanting as a form of liberation. It is used to stand up for issues or used to solve problems; like strikes and political rallies. But most people use it for mediation to remain calm and get in touch with their inner spiritual sides.


Use these three easy steps and you will achieve sensory synergy, too.

How to Improve your Health with Laughter Yoga

How to Improve your Health with Laughter Yoga

Once we leave childhood behind, we replace laughter with work, chores and worry, laughing 15 times a day rather than our pre-adulthood 400 times. It's a shame, say proponents of "laughter yoga" since laughter is not only fun, but also has a number of health benefits, including reducing stress, boosting the immune system, strengthening the heart, and improving circulation. It's easy to improve your health with laughter yoga (also called hasya yoga) by following some simple steps.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable workout clothes

A willingness to learn to laugh spontaneously

How to Improve your Health with Laughter Yoga


If you can, find a laughter yoga class or a laughter yoga club by using an Internet search or by using the website below. Laughter yoga is best if guided and performed in a group. If there are no classes or groups near you, you can start a laughter club of your own.


Warm up: Clap for a 3-count, then a 2-count, chanting "Ho Ho" "Ha Ha Ha" as you clap.


Breathe deeply by drawing in a large breath through your nose letting it fill the top of your lungs and down to the very bottom of your lungs. Hold for 10 seconds and breathe out in a controlled way, feeling the air leave the top of your lungs, then the middle then the bottom. Repeat 3 times.


Raise your arms in the air and laugh heartily with your head thrown back.


If there are other people in your group, laugh heartily as you nod to them or shake their hands.


Do the "milkshake laughter" exercise. Pretend you are holding two milkshake cups, one with the mixture and one without. Make the motions to pour the mixture back and forth, chanting while you do it. Then make the motion to drink it. Laugh again at the end.


Laugh silently, using all the muscles of your face.

Tips & Warnings

If these few exercises add to your sense of relaxation and well-being, you may want to become trained as a certified hasya yoga instructor.

Hasya yoga does not replace the aerobic and flexibility exercises you need to maintain health, so keep on doing those workouts as well.